I'm your reason - poetry

Courtesy - Pintrest

When You're shouting and yelling,
But I don't say a word,
I understand it's something horrible that you're going through,
So I rather try to calm you down

When You're hurt, you're crying,
You're dying for help,
I can see that on your face,
So I don't leave, I decide to stay right there giving you a shoulder to weep

When You're restless, anxious,
You're nervously shivering and scared,
And I know that someday you just feel like giving up,
So I'm holding you, having your back, hyping you up

And when you're smiling and dancing, 
Like one of the happiest puppies in the world, 
I see you're having your moment, it makes me bloom too, 
So I'm blessing you with all my love

Now you're asking me how do I live like this? 
Understanding you, staying there, 
Hyping you up and always being considerate? 
Well, I'm taught to be the reason someone believes in goodness, so here I am


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