Fashion Blogging Episode-1

"Having the ability to express by penning down your thoughts is just so fruitful. I personally find it amazing when people are entertained reading my blogs. But lately, I've come to the conclusion that adding my interests with blogging would be the perfect combination of my blogs as a whole. I'm so much fascinated by fashion, fabrics and styling. So for a change, I'm considering to start fashion blogging, to share my love for the same. This time of the month, last year, I was planning on starting a small-scale brand of my own. I had collected all the fabrics but still something felt incomplete. Thinking of it as a long term plan, it seemed barely doable to me. That's when I hit pause and actually started feeding myself with more knowledge related to it. Now every time I learn something about fashion, my dream to start my clothing brand seems a little more doable. And that's the fun of it. Best part about all of this is all the people I know, actually come up to me asking suggestions for their wardrobe, which simply feels like therapy. I just enjoy being a pseudo stylist for them. The moment people acknowledge you and whatever you do, you feel on the top of the world for sure. That feeling, that moment is what I wish to cherish for the rest of my life. 

For the first blog, I want to talk about #whattowear. There are a lot of times I've been asked this by various people and my initial answer remains the same."


4th August, 2022

And I didn't post this. I wanted to, I'll never know what went wrong or what held me back. Now fast forward to the present, it's 21st March, 2023 I'm in Paris, France spontaneously contemplating continuing this incomplete blog from my draft at 5 am in the Morning. Look how time flies, I would've never imagined to actually consider fashion as my career. It just feels the right thing to do at this point of time. I didn't feel like deleting this draft and restarting, because it was that exact moment where I actually considered taking this seriously. Paris feels better, feels like home and a perfect setting to initiate. After coming to Paris I firmly believe that Fashion is art, therapy, an emotion, a lifestyle and everything in between. I keep learning and perceiving new things everyday, every other person is an inspiration and it's amusing how something as personal as styling can speak so much about an individual, a place, a lifestyle as monotonous. C'est parfait! So, moving ahead, come explore with me, I hope you enjoy reading! 

P.S. The collage is old too, so don't judge, I will post updated photos with the next blog. But for this one, I did not want to make any changes to my original draft from last year. 


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